About the authors
Dorit Aharon
Born and raised in Israel, Dorit Aharon studied Veterinary Medicine in the Netherlands. She is a veterinarian since 1986, and has been attached to the Ministry of Agriculture in Israel and worked there as a veterinarian as well. She also taught at the then just established Veterinary Faculty in Israel. She has extensive work experience as a veterinarian in the Netherlands.
After completing her study Orthomanual Medicine, she combined this knowledge with her experience as a veterinarian. In 2001 she was the first veterinarian who made the orthomanual method suitable for animals and applied it to companion animals. Dr. Aharon keeps improving herself. She followed post graduate studies in Neurology and Orthopaedics. Besides that, she lectures in the Netherlands and abroad on different veterinary subjects.
Dr. Aharon (DVM) is:
- Member of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN);
- Chairwoman of the Dutch Society of Orthomanual Veterinary Medicine (NVOMD);
- Extraordinary member of the Dutch Society of Physicians for Orthomanual Medicine (NVOMG);
- Member of the Royal Dutch Veterinary Association (KNMvD).
As of June 2022, Dr Aharon is retired. After years of working as an orthomanual veterinarian, she is now enjoying a well-deserved rest. You can still visit the former clinics website to learn more about the Aharon Method.
D.C. Aharon about the book Back to the Clinic

Patient assessment is for clinicians, students and specialists a key task in itself. Every aspect of a patient consultation, from the general examination to more specialist orthopaedic or neurological examinations, requires a multidisciplinary approach.
For myself in my clinical work, and before that as a student, with a period as a lecturer in between, I encountered difficulties in patient assessment, as well as in diagnosing and planning practical and effective solutions to the complaints my patients were facing. This was not due to a lack of knowledge or insight, but because practically every subject was presented in a separate book or (now) website. We have separate books for fracture repairs, for neurology, for emergencies and for anatomy and internal medicine.
Now, at the head of a (mostly) referral clinic I felt the need for a practical book bringing together the most relevant subjects. Every small animal veterinary practice sees many neurological and orthopaedic patients, so we clinicians – from students with an interest in these topics to specialists – need an easy reference on anatomy, locomotor assessment and general neurological and orthopaedic examination, as well as rehabilitation, preventive education and advice for owners. This needs to be brought together and arranged in such a way as to provide the clinician grounded advice on whether surgery or a more conservative approach is needed and give direction on what to do and how to do it.
The current manual does all of this, with an important addition: an introduction and special emphasis on the Aharon Method of orthomanual veterinary medicine. The Aharon Method is an animal-friendly, cost-effective approach for treating neurological and orthopaedic patients and for preventive veterinary medicine.
D. C. Aharon, DVM